How to Eliminate Panu in Face Quickly and Naturally

How to Eliminate Panu in Face Quickly and Naturally

To treat stubborn phlegm actually not difficult, without having to use the ointment, cream, or liquid chemicals that can cause irritation. Simply use a safe natural way without side effects. But before discussing the natural medicine we should know in advance what it is tinea versicolor. It is a type of skin disease that often appear on the body, neck, chest and sometimes on the face. The disease is caused by a fungus due to our lack of maintaining the cleanliness of our bodies. If you currently are fungus on the face or elsewhere, should treat fungal skin using natural ingredients.

How to Eliminate Panu in the face and backs with Natural Ingredients

Galangal herbs often be complementary when ripe vegetables, so normal that is always available in our kitchen. Galangal is also included in this type of natural medicinal plants are often planted around the yard of the house, including the family of ginger rhizomes, like ginger, turmeric and others. It turns out in addition to herbs, ginger can also be to treat tinea versicolor naturally. How to eliminate the fungus on the face using galangal quite easy. Take one segment of ginger and cut into thin strips into sections, then apply on the affected skin surface of phlegm. Do this with regularly, should be done before a shower or night.

In addition to using herbs, you can also use aloe vera. This method is relatively more secure because more mushy texture of aloe vera and not abusive. How to eliminate the fungus on the face using aloe vera as follows, grab a rod aloe vera peeled. Then apply aloe meat contained in skin tinea versicolor. Take a few moments or until the mucus liquid aloe vera seep into the pores of the skin. Then the final rinse with clean water and soap, do this until the death of fungi that cause tinea versicolor itself.

How to Overcome Panu by Using Youghurt

Yogurt containing compounds and anti-toxins that enter the body, if we often drink yogurt definitely be healthy digestion, nutrients are met by vitamins and compounds contained in yogurt. It turns out in addition to the benefits above, yogurt is also good for maintaining healthy skin as an anti-fungal, then to thereby yogurt can be a natural remedy rid of phlegm in the face. However, to get the yogurt is sometimes not easy to find in any store, but if it means eliminating phlegm in the face using yogurt proven to be safe and efficacious, you have to try and buy it.

Natural Ways to Eliminate Panu with Belimbing

If it appears phlegm in the face of self-confidence to be reduced, moreover, face a source of fascination for us when socializing. It should not be allowed to linger because it could spread the new emerging phlegm. One way to eliminate the fungus on the face of the safe is using star fruit. Vitamins and antioxidants in this fruit can be a bidder and eradicate fungi that cause tinea versicolor. How to treat it is to make a mask with a star fruit plus a few whiting. Apply on the face that are phlegm, familiarize moment. Then wash your face using soap. But this is not an instant way so you have to regularly perform this treatment until phlegm is missing.
How to Eliminate Panu in Face Quickly and Naturally
In addition to the above natural ingredients there are many ways and other materials that are proven mercy remove phlegm. For example using garlic, green tea and apple vinegar. If the fungus is gone with the natural remedy, you should always keep the body and face so that the fungus does not appear again. Thus the guide and how to remove phlegm in the face naturally that you can try it yourself at home, may be useful to increase your confidence without phlegm in the face.