Natural Face Masks For Oily Skin - Face of course, require special care in order not to look dull, especially if you often go out of the house by using a motorcycle. Well, so your face does not look dull and shiny aka greasy, leaving you to take the time beforehand to read the article Natural Face Masks For Oily Skin this.
5 Natural Face Masks For Oily Skin
Lemon and oatmeal
Please you mix a cup of oatmeal, a teaspoon of lemon, and a tablespoon of yoghurt. You apply the mixture to your face and diamkanlah Kullit for 10-15 minutes. Natural mask can be used to reduce excess oil on the face kalain.Masker Natural Face For Oily Skin
Strawberry and Yoghurt
If you want to create a mask by using strawberry and yogurt, leaving you to find 4 strawberries and one teaspoon of yogurt. Mash and Mix. After that, stirring until smooth and apply on your skin. Leave for 10-15 minutes and then simply rinse with warm water.
Cucumbers and yogurt
Peel half a cucumber with a spoon of yogurt. Apply to the skin of your face for 10-15 minutes, and rinse with warm water. Natural mask with cucumber and yoghurt ingredients can be used to remove dull, the oil on the face, as well as the wrinkles on the face.
You can use a wedge of lemon to remove the face. The trick is to rub a lemon wedge into your facial skin. In addition to eliminating oily skin, lemon also stimulates the growth of new skin cells more fresh.
Apples and honey
Simply peel an apple and mash and mix with 3 tablespoons of honey. Please stir until blended and applied to the skin. Let stand 10-15 minutes then rinse with warm water.
Natural Face Masks For Oily Skin
If you have problems with skin dull and oily, leaving you to use these natural face masks for skin problems you face. Do it regularly in order to get maximum results. Besides very beneficial natural face masks for oily skin are also relatively inexpensive and can be practiced at home